Serve – In The Community

Food 4 Families 2025

HELP US FEED OUR NEIGHBORS AND THEIR CHILDREN during the SUMMER! More than 50% of the children at Bethel, Cove Creek, and Mabel Schools receive Free or Reduced lunch during the school year. In the summer the free and reduced lunches are not available…that’s where the Food 4 Families mission project comes in and we would love for you to join us! Here are some ways that YOU can help feed children in Watauga County this summer…

  • Come together to PACK Food boxes of kid-friendly food every 2 weeks this summer
        5:30 – 7:00pm… June 23, July 7, July 21, August 4, 2024
  • DELIVER food to our partner churches
        9:00am – noon… June 24, July 8 and 22, August 5, 2024
  • PRAY that God will lead each of us to do our part to help feed the families that need it the most this summer.
  • Serve on the F4F Planning Team
Questions??? Fill out the contact form below.
Or contact a member of the F4F Planning Team… Anna Eyler, Margaret Gregor, Frank and Jerri Mayberry, Sue Newell, and Stephen Sorrell

GATHERING to SERVE August 10, 2024! 

All ages will have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of God in our community on Saturday, August 10! A dedicated group of project leaders would love to have you on their team and serve alongside you in one of many projects to choose from.
Childcare will be available throughout the morning for those too young to participate.
Questions? Fill out the contact form below.

Helping Hands Wood Lot

HELPING HANDS WOOD LOT – a dedicated group of men and women from FPC and Grace Lutheran meet on Tuesdays 8:30am – 12:30pm year round with occasional special work days, to collect, cut and split wood which is then stock-piled in a lot adjacent to the Hunger Coalition. The purpose is to help offset the cost of heating homes for those who cannot afford to buy wood.
Interested? Fill out the contact form below.

Hospitality House / WeCAN

HOSPITALITY HOUSE / WeCAN serves as a clearing house of benevolence assistance and crisis services for Watauga County residents. Hospitality House provides emergency shelter, transitional and family housing and permanent supportive housing for those in need. Bread of Life Community Kitchen provides 3 meals a day to all residents and any community members in poverty and need. The meals are managed by their food service coordinator and prepared by churches, civic organizations, and volunteers. For more information go to HOSPITALITY HOUSE.

Hunger and Health Coalition / Western Watauga Food Outreach

HUNGER and HEALTH COALITION provides food and pharmacy assistance to the High Country. A collection basket for non-perishable food items is located at the bottom of the stairwell on the first floor. There are many ways to volunteer at the Hunger Coalition. Find out more about the Hunger and Health Coalition and how you can get involved HERE.
WESTERN WATAUGA FOOD OUTREACH (WWFO)… Over 61% of the children at Bethel Elementary are enrolled in Free and Reduced Lunch. Many more would qualify but will not apply. A trip for someone who lives in the Bethel area could easily take two hours plus the cost of gas to get to and from the Hunger and Health Coalition. This is a significant barrier for many in western Watauga County which is considered to be a food desert, to get food. 
On Thursdays from 4:00 – 6:00pm, those who come to WWFO at the Community Center in Sugar Grove can take home bread as well as meat and in season local produce when available. Bags of food are given every week to those who qualify through the Hunger Coalition system. A community meal is served the first and third Thursday of the month. Want to provide a meal? Fill out the contact form below.

Casting Bread/Travis lunchbox 

Casting Bread is a food pantry and soup kitchen in Blowing Rock. CB’s mission is to increase food security by providing food, compassion and community to their clients. CB offers a food market where clients have a choice in the food they receive. They operate on Wednesday and Thursday.
Volunteer opportunities: Food pantry, meal preparation, serving meals
Phone number: 828/295-8333
Travis’s Lunchbox Food Drive
“Everybody’s gotta eat!” was Travis’s belief. Travis Gryder was “Living the Dream” being an Eagle Scout, a Firefighter/Paramedic, a volunteer member of Watauga Rescue. Travis was a caring person that cared for the wellbeing of others. As an example of Jesus’ love, he would do what he could to see that those around him had food. All food and donations go to feed the hungry at Casting Bread Food Pantry.
Volunteer Opportunity: In memory of Travis Gryder, bring non-perishable food items or toiletries to the Gathering Space at the church on Mother’s Day or any day.

Interested? Fill out the contact form below.

For more information: CASTING BREAD

Operation Christmas Child 

“Therefore go and make disciples, of all nations….”      Matthew 28:19a

You are invited to pack an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox with toys, toiletries, school supplies, books, and small articles of clothing AND to include a message telling children that God loves them and you are praying for them.  There will be OCC Shoeboxes and packing information at the OCC Center in the Gathering Space, along with some donated items. 
What Goes in My Shoebox? 
 *Start with a quality item like a stuffed animal, soccer ball with pump, or clothing outfit that will capture the child’s attention the instant he or she opens the box.                                                                              
*Pack other fun toys, hygiene items, and school supplies to fill the shoebox.                                        
*Pray for the child who will receive your gift and send a personal note and photo.                                       
*Include a donation of $10.00

FEED the HUNGER November 17, 2024 3:00-5:00pm

Feed the Hunger Packathon is a food packing event in which participants produce thousands of nutritious meals that will be distributed through Feed the Hunger partners to children and families in need, both in America and internationally.
During a two-hour shift, teams of volunteers assemble four ingredients: a carbohydrate (rice or pasta), a protein (soy or dehydrated pinto beans), dehydrated vegetables, and vitamin powder. These ingredients, which together provide complete nutrition, are packaged in six-serving meal packets that are then weighed, sealed, and boxed. Packathons take place in a friendly, high-energy environment, and we welcome participants ages 5 to 105!
Each shift begins with a brief instructional period so volunteers clearly understand the various tasks and ends with a short time of celebration over how many life-saving meals were packed during that shift. With your help, we can purchase, pack, and distribute food at a cost of only $0.30 per meal!
Food packed during a Packathon is distributed overseas to refugees and needy children through Christian partners, and is given out domestically through food pantries and through supplemental food programs at certain schools.This year, we will be purchasing Bibles to go with each box of food that we pack to help spread God’s Word around the world!
Food packed during our Packathon in October 2023 were to be sent to Ukraine.