Serve – In The Community
Food 4 Families 2025

HELP US FEED OUR NEIGHBORS AND THEIR CHILDREN during the SUMMER! More than 50% of the children at Bethel, Cove Creek, and Mabel Schools receive Free or Reduced lunch during the school year. In the summer the free and reduced lunches are not available…that’s where the Food 4 Families mission project comes in and we would love for you to join us! Here are some ways that YOU can help feed children in Watauga County this summer…
- Come together to PACK Food boxes of kid-friendly food every 2 weeks this summer
- DELIVER food to our partner churches
- PRAY that God will lead each of us to do our part to help feed the families that need it the most this summer.
- Serve on the F4F Planning Team
GATHERING to SERVE August 10, 2024!

Helping Hands Wood Lot

Hospitality House / WeCAN
Hunger and Health Coalition / Western Watauga Food Outreach
Casting Bread/Travis lunchbox
Volunteer opportunities: Food pantry, meal preparation, serving meals
Phone number: 828/295-8333

Volunteer Opportunity: In memory of Travis Gryder, bring non-perishable food items or toiletries to the Gathering Space at the church on Mother’s Day or any day.
Interested? Fill out the contact form below.
Operation Christmas Child
“Therefore go and make disciples, of all nations….” Matthew 28:19a
You are invited to pack an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox with toys, toiletries, school supplies, books, and small articles of clothing AND to include a message telling children that God loves them and you are praying for them. There will be OCC Shoeboxes and packing information at the OCC Center in the Gathering Space, along with some donated items.
What Goes in My Shoebox?
*Start with a quality item like a stuffed animal, soccer ball with pump, or clothing outfit that will capture the child’s attention the instant he or she opens the box.
*Pack other fun toys, hygiene items, and school supplies to fill the shoebox.
*Pray for the child who will receive your gift and send a personal note and photo.
*Include a donation of $10.00
FEED the HUNGER November 17, 2024 3:00-5:00pm