Due to the treacherous wind chills, icy road conditions, and an unsafe church parking lot, our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day worship services have been cancelled. Safety is of utmost importance and we don’t want anyone to have an accident or get stranded trying to get to church.
In lieu of our Christmas Eve Service we have provided a Family Worship Bulletin below for you to spend time in prayer and reading the Scriptures we would have read in worship together. We hope this will be meaningful as we reflect on the gift of Jesus this day.
In addition, on Christmas Day, Pastor Jeff will share the Scripture readings and a brief homily on Facebook Live at 10:30am.
You can join live by accessing the FPC Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/firstpresboone or if you are unable to watch the livestream, you may access it later on Facebook or on our YouTube channel. We pray that you stay warm and safe and that all of you have a very Merry Christmas!
Christmas Eve
December 24, 2022
December 24, 2022
Although we cannot gather safely this night to worship the newborn King together in our sanctuary, we do invite you to gather with your family in the comfort and warmth of your home to take time to pray, thanking God for the miraculous gift of his Son, our Lord, Jesus the Christ. We also invite you to read the Scriptures that prophesy his birth, and the Scriptures that remind us of how it all came to be. If you have five candles, you are encouraged to light one candle after each reading as a reminder of the four Sundays in Advent and the last candle as Christ candle, celebrating that the Light of the world has come. May God grant you his peace and comfort, as we all rejoice that he has come as the good news of great joy for all of us.
Opening Prayer
Scripture Lessons
Lesson #1 Isaiah 11:1-9 Light a candle
Lesson #2 Micah 5:2-4 Light a candle
Lesson #3 Luke 1:39-45 Light a candle
Lesson #4 Isaiah 9:6-7 Light a candle
Lesson #5 Luke 2:1-20 Light the Christ candle
Lesson #5 Luke 2:1-20 Light the Christ candle
Sharing the Word of God Together
(Take time to share what the birth of Jesus means to you)
(Take time to share what the birth of Jesus means to you)
Closing Prayer
Together, may we take time to worship, to pause, and to ponder God’s words – God’s Word made flesh in Jesus Christ, our Lord, and our Savior!