Beyond 2020 Vision Presentation
On Sunday, September 29th join us for:
- Sunday school • 10:00am
- Worship • 11:00am (One blended service)
- Pot-luck luncheon in the gym • Noon
- Families with the last initial …
- A-L bring two side dishes
- M-Z bring a Large main dish (bucket of chicken, spiral ham, casseroles)
- Dessert will be provided by the Church Life Team
- Vision Presentation • 1:00pm
The Coordinating Team will present the results of the congregation’s Beyond 2020 vision process that we’ve been working on since last September! Please come join us for worship and fellowship and catch the vision at this very special event! Childcare will be available during the presentation.
Invite a friend and join us for worship on Sunday, September 8, at 8:45 or 11am and invite them to come back to the church with you from 4 – 7pm for fellowship, games and a cookout… we will eat around 5pm.
If you are looking for a church home or seek to follow Christ with other friends, we invite you to join us for our DISCOVERY classes that will begin on Sunday, September 15, 2019 at 10:00am, in the multi-purpose room.
Join us on Wednesdays, September 11 – October 30
for a family friendly dinner at 5:15 followed by classes for all ages at 6:15. Register HERE or use the insert in the bulletin on Sunday.
REACH WEDNESDAY MEALS Served 5:15—6:00pm
Sept 11 BBQ, baked beans, slaw, rolls, mac & cheese (Woodlands)
Sept 18 Breakfast for Supper (Meal Team: Men’s Class)
Sept 25 Burgers / meat & veg, chips, veggie/fruit tray (Come Back Shack)
Oct 2 Fried Chicken mashed potatoes, green beans, biscuits (Daniel Boone Inn)
Oct 9 Baked Ziti, salad, bread (Meal Team: Margaret & Russell Headrick, Sue Newell)
Oct 16 Steak Burritos / Chicken Burritos / Vegan Burritos (Barberitos)
Oct 23 Pizza, veggie tray, dessert (Papa Johns)
Oct 30 BBQ, baked beans, slaw, rolls, mac & cheese (Woodlands)
Kids PB & J available every evening
Summer Church
Join us on Sundays, July 7 – August 11, at 11:00am for worship that will blend both our traditional and contemporary styles of worship.
Sunday school will begin at 10:00am with a time of coffee and fellowship in the Gathering Space at 9:30am.
Church Picnic
Join us Sunday, July 14, at Valle Crucis Park from 3:00pm – dusk. The men of the church will be grilling burgers and hotdogs. Please bring a favorite side dish or dessert to share (along with a serving spoon).
Women’s Night of Worship
Friday, June 28 at 7:00pm
Doors open at 6:30pm
Led by Gracie O’Loughlin and members of The Gathering worship team.
Red Cross Blood Drive
Thursday, June 27
2:00pm – 6:30pm
Call 828-264-3906 to make an appointment.
Every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood…
VBS 2019!
Monday, July 15 – Thursday, July 18 from 5:30pm-8:00pm, 4 year-olds – Rising 5th graders are invited to join us for a visit to Athens where Paul will inspire kids through music, crafts, Bible stories, games, and mission opportunities, to share the truth of God’s immeasurable love today!
Spring Potluck Lunch
Welcome our new members at our spring potluck lunch on Sunday, May 26 at noon!
Families with the last initial…
A – L… please bring a Large main dish
M – Z… please bring two side dishes
Dessert will be provided by the Church Life Team!