2025 Commitment

“We are a family of faith Called to…

Grow in the love of Christ, Share that Good News, and Serve the world.”

“Questions of Jesus”

Dear Church Family,

This stewardship season we are looking at questions that Jesus asks of us – questions that challenge us to self-reflect and consider what God asks of us as his people.  “Who will get what you have prepared for yourself?” asks Jesus.  “Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” asks Jesus.  “Who is my mother and who are my brothers?” asks Jesus. 

These questions are intended for us to think about what we do with our resources, if we are truly grateful for God’s grace and provision in our lives, and what it means to be the church.  Jesus’ questions should prompt us to consider if we are being faithful in these areas of our lives as we seek to be the people he’s called us to be.  My prayer is that we won’t gloss over them, but prayerfully reflect on them together.  In doing so we give room for the Holy Spirit to guide us in the ways that we give of our time, our talents, and of our resources. 

As the church we give of our finances, our time and of our talents to serve the Lord in faithfulness.  We give because Christ first gave to us and continues to give to us each and every day.  Jesus reminds us in John 13:15, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”  Our giving bears witness to the good news of Jesus Christ as we live out his mission to share the grace and love we’ve received in our lives with those in our community and in our world. 

The Session has approved an ask budget that is included with this letter.  Our 2025 ask budget seeks to move forward in faith to continue the wonderful ministry we’ve been doing.  Our budget addresses the growth of ministry, as well as the needs of our building.  As you can physically see, we are under construction to fix our siding issues so that we can have a building that continues to provide a safe space for worship, study, service, and prayer for years to come.  We’ve committed to a loan to cover the expenses we haven’t fully covered from our capital reserve funds and those contributions we’ve received from generous givers who desire to help shorten the length of our debt. 

Apart from our building, we have a vibrant children’s and youth ministry, as well as a vibrant choir and praise team.  As we grow so do our programming costs.  We are also a church that embraces God’s grace and longs to share that grace as we give to and participate in local and global ministries through mission.  God calls us to care not just for ourselves, but also for our neighbors around us.  Our ask budget addresses that too.  Together we are called to contribute in ways that are faithful to the abundant blessings we’ve received from God. 

As we generously respond in gratitude, I encourage you to prayerfully consider how you can contribute to the ongoing work of the church – Christ’s ministry at FPC Boone.  Our collective gifts of time, talent, and treasure not only present our offerings to God, but they also show forth our complete trust in him as well.   

Together we can continue to minister to our members and guests through education, worship, fellowship, care, and mission.  We can be good stewards of the church building, ensuring that ministry continues unhindered.  We are also able to reach beyond ourselves by providing for the needs of the most vulnerable in our local community, and across the world, as we love our neighbors as ourselves.  I invite you to prayerfully reflect on God’s grace in your life.  How are you using your resources to the glory of God?  How do you show your gratitude towards God?  How do you serve and care for your mother and brothers and sisters in Christ?  Sisters and brothers in Christ, I challenge you to consider how you can contribute to God’s work in 2025 in two specific ways:

  1. To make a commitment to serve God with your time, and talents, and
  2. To make a pledge to give of your financial resources, so that our operating budget may continue to support the mission of the church.

Below you will find a printable 2025 pledge card.  Prayerfully consider how God is leading you to respond.  We will present our pledges to God in worship on Sunday, October 20.  If you attend the service, feel free to bring your pledge forward as directed and place it in the offering plate.  If you are unable to join us in person, you may submit your pledge by mail to:  First Presbyterian Church, 131 Big Valley Street, Boone. Or you may also make your pledge HERE by selecting “2025 Pledge” below.  Our Finance and Stewardship Committee kindly asks that you submit your pledges as soon as you are able so that they may plan and work with the Session to adopt a budget for next year.  Friends, may we give collectively in ways that give glory to God for his grace and generosity in our lives!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Jeff