2022 Commitment

“A family of faith Called to… Grow in the love of Christ, Share that Good News, and Serve the world.”

In God We Trust

Dear Church Family,

Proverbs 3:5 states, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”  Scripture calls us to trust God with our whole heart, because God is the most trustworthy person we can depend on.  We profess it in Sunday school, Bibles studies, and in worship all the time.  But saying it and doing it are two different things!  Sometimes it can be challenging to trust in God because we can’t see what lies ahead.  It’s the fear of the unknown that often deters us from wholly trusting God. 

There’s no doubt that this last year and a half has been one of the most challenging times for everyone and especially the church.  Life as “normal” has changed and so has the way we “do” church.  We’ve gone from pre-recorded services on YouTube to outdoor services in person, to indoor services with masks and live streaming.  We’re still trying to provide in person and hybrid gatherings with Zoom technology.  And while we pray for Covid to end, I think we all recognize that this will be around for some time.  All we can do is put our trust in the God who has created us, who provides for us, and who sustains us during the unknown. 

The good news is that the church continues to preach and share the good news of Jesus Christ through word and deed.  A virus may disrupt our lives, but it cannot stop Christ’s church from growing, sharing, and serving together.  I want to thank you for your faithfulness to stay connected and engaged as participants in this kingdom work.  I know it’s been different and hard at times, but our faith coupled with perseverance will make us stronger and more united as we continue to work through it. 

As we approach this season of stewardship and look ahead toward 2022, we hope to become more active as vaccines for children become readily available, allowing some of our displaced families to feel more confident returning to large gatherings.  Our current 2021 budget reflects a reduction in all ministries due to the unknown of this year, however, our 2022 ask budget is designed to get us back to where we were before so that we can revive all our ministry areas.  We remain hopeful that 2022 will provide us greater opportunities to be the church in person!  In God We Trust!  God remains faithful despite our inabilities to see into next year. 

Over the next three Sundays we will explore this theme of trust as we listen to God’s word, allowing the Holy Spirit to move us into action.  As we respond in faith, I encourage you to prayerfully consider how you can contribute to the ongoing work of the church – Christ’s ministry at FPC Boone.  Our collective gifts of time, talent, and treasure not only present our offerings to God, but they also show forth our complete trust in him as well.   

Together we can continue to minister to our members and guests through education, worship, fellowship, care, and mission.  We are also able to reach beyond ourselves by providing for the needs of the most vulnerable in our local community, and across the world, as we love our neighbors as ourselves.  In God We Trust!  Brothers and sisters in Christ, I challenge you to consider how you can contribute to God’s work in 2022 in two specific ways:

  1. To make a commitment to serve God with your time, and talents, and
  2. To make a pledge to give of your financial resources, so that our operating budget may continue to support the mission of the church.
Below you will find a link for a printable version of the 2022 pledge card.  Prayerfully consider how God is leading you to respond for 2022.  We will present our pledges to God in worship on Sunday, October 17.  If you attend the service, feel free to bring your pledge forward as directed and place it in the offering plate.  If you are unable to join us in person, you may submit your pledge by mail to:  First Presbyterian Church, 131 Big Valley Street, Boone, NC 28607. Or, you may also make your pledge online using the PLEDGE button below. Our Finance and Stewardship Committee kindly asks that you submit your pledges by the end of October so that they may plan and work with the Session to adopt a budget for next year.  Friends, may we show our trust in God in the ways that we give of ourselves together! 

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Jeff