Las Manos de Cristo Clinic

Why does FPC Boone support Las Manos de Cristo Clinic in Chiapas?
Take a look at the messages below…

The indigenous Mayan people of Chiapas are often treated as second-class citizens, even by government agencies. Many of the people do not speak Spanish. Therefore, they are often fearful and reluctant to seek medical care from government operated clinics. The terrain of Chiapas is mountainous and the people are impoverished making travel difficult and unaffordable for many living in the villages. As a result, they often receive poor and inconsistent medical services or wait until their condition is so grave that little or nothing can be done to help them.

FPC partnered with Hebron USA to build and staff a clinic that functions year round to bring quality medical care to the people of Chiapas in an atmosphere of trust and Christian compassion. In addition, medical teams from the US travel there several times a year to serve side by side with the clinic physician and nurse.

You can participate by:

Praying for:

The clinic and full time physician, nurse and support staff

The Water Ministry that provides filters and training for clean water

Radio Maya broadcasting, walking people through the Bible and teaching about health issues

Lay pastor training

Support for local churches in the Mayan Presbytery

Providing financial support:

For the Las Manos de Cristo medical clinic
Please label donation: Lenten Offering or Medical Clinic

Donating items for the clinic:

Elastic Compression hose – TED Hose

Hemorrhoid cream or suppositories

Pregnancy Tests


Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Tylenol

Vitamins – Adult, children, prenatal

Hydrocortisone cream

Benadryl cream

Anti-fungal cream

Triple antibiotic ointment

Dollar Store reading glasses and sunglasses